There are many different ways to make money with the internet and your homepage. The most popular and famoust way is to put an advertise banner on your homepage and every time when a visitor clicks on it, you'll be paid for this click. The money you get is different - you can get 2 Cent each click or you can get up to $1, that depends on the advertise companies you've chosen! You can start right now to make some extra-money, the only thing you've to do is clicking on the banner you which to place on your page. Then you'll get a password, login and an HTML-Code you've to include in your page. That's it! Now you've just to wait till your visitors click on these banners...

I just learned that today The Sex Museum is

If you put an erotic-banner on your page you'll receive the highest pay out for each click on it. X-PICS offers such advertising and pay you 18 Cent. You can select if you wanna put a text-link or a pictue-link on your page. This offer is 100% correct! Check it out!!!!

CLICKS4CASH offers such advertising, too! They pay between 17 and 24 Cent each click on such a banner! This is also a real high pay out!! They send the checks weekly. Good offer!!

Another good one who offers erotic-ads are DIGITALBUCKS. Here you get 15 Cent for every click and with some luck you can get bonus pays up to $25! When you've $100 on your account you'll receive a check! So if you're older than 18 check this out, too!!

CDnow Wanna earn some money by selling records through your website? Then join CD-NOW a online record store!! You just place some links on your site to special record-pages of your favourite bands and you'll receive 7% of every record that will be sold trough your account. It's very easy so check it out now, baby!!

WARNING!!! Somebody told me that CYBERTHRILL rips you off! They offer a high pay out of 20 Cents for every click on their banner but they don't pay you the money. Be warned and inform other webmasters who have such a banner on their site!!

This page lives from your cooperation! If you know other good banner advertisings send me a mail and I'll check them! THANX!!!

Last updated on 25 September 1998